Showing 1- 78 of 78 testimonials
Chazzy from Chazzy's Amateurs“Thank you SexyJobs. We continue to get excellent applicants almost on a daily basis. We have already successfully shot with three jobseekers - Lexxi Stacy, Ranie Mae and Ms. Chevious. Each of them were amazing and reliable. Charles of Chazzy Amateurs.”
Videocasting SRL“Thanks Mr. Sean. Your service is quite good. I hope you can expand it further through Europe. I shall place a new adver in the near future. Best regards.”“Everything was perfect, I had soooo many applicants - your service was excellent and you have the best place to advertise for the adult market.”
FIH ENTERPRISES“Thank you for my Ad. It has been a blessing.”
Steven from SDC Enterprises“Thanks, you guys are great!”
David“Thank U for all you've done. To your credit, I've accomplished my mission and it appears it might last for a while.”
OD from OD Productions“SexyJobs has been a great resource for finding serious & qualified models for my adult videos. Thank you for providing a great website & resource for models and producers in the adult industry. I will be a long term member and recommend others. OD”
Tyler Productions“The ad is generating pretty many responses. It looks like several of the models are going to work out for us.”
KBW Communications“Very pleased with your site. We don't want to cancel, but please take down our ad for two weeks. We are full now and we are still receiving 10 to 12 applications everyday from your site. We'll be launching a new site next month and we'll place a banner ad then.”
Dick Piston from EMKEW Film Arts“WOW great response from which brought us SAMANTHA SINCLAIR. Recently we had the opportuntity to work with Samantha and without a doubt she is a dream to work with. We will definately have her back again and again! Excellent!! Thanks Samantha and sexyjobs!!!!”
Kristina Michelle Giovanni from Interactive Fantasy Role Play Productions“Placing an ad with your company caused me to receive more calls than necessary. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to advertise with your company and also for the free resume I currently have posted.”
Hughey from Hughey & Mack Ent., Inc. “This is a great website. We have actually contacted and hired 4 people from This is a great service and takes the time out of walking up on people in the street (which I still do) and hoping they would consider doing some work in the Adult Entertainment Industry. ”
serrone “Thanks, I will renew shortly. You guys are great, from the personal to the convention to management.”“ works so well, we were secretly hoping no other advertisers would find out about it!”
Steve from Velvet Entertainment“I have been using your site for a couple weeks now and it has definitely helped us pick up speed on our productions! It's a great resource!”
ParlayTV“Our ad has gotten us a lot of traffic. In fact, it's too much traffic! We have to take a month off to respond to all the inquiries we have.”
Tony from Philly Amateurs“Thanks and I will continue using It's done wonders for me in recruiting. ”
USACTORSMODELS“I just wanted so say hi to you and to inform you that my business went up from first time I visited your website, thanks to you and all your staff from your company. Your website is a best of the best on internet worldwide. Best wishes and happiness all of you. I LOVE YOU ALL.”
Network Telephone Services“A check is on the way and yes, we want to renew!”
Ross Love from Best Kept Secret Talent Agency llc“Awesome Industry Site! A must have for any legitimate Adult Employer. BKS Studios have gotten some really good talent for Adult Chat from Their tools are so easy to work. The alerts do all our work. I recommend the site all the time to models and sites that are getting started in our industry. Thanks! R Love Best Kept Secret Talent Agency”
Nicole from Exquisite Talent Inc.“We have used this site for years and the talent we have been able to locate has been awesome! Recently hired (8) new females! Thanks Sexy Jobs!”
Dan from Dan Maners Photo“I joined and posted an ad as a photographer on May 29th. I just wanted to say how easy it was in doing so. You received my ad and it was posted the same day. It is only Sunday and Memorial Day weekend so I do not expect any responses for a few days. I just wanted to write and say I'm very happy with the way I was dealt with and how professional you and your staff seem to be. I'm hoping I'll get plenty of business now I'm on "Sexy Jobs". Again... Thank You.”
Bobby Rae from Digibabes“Thanks Sean. Been with you guys for a long time. Service provided always excellent. Keep it up man.”
Donna from“We get such a great response from the ads. You have a GREAT site. I can not say enough good things about your site and service. Without you I would not have the business we have, as I would not know where to go to get such a great response.”
Peter Romero from Petergirls“I've been using Sexy Jobs since it first went online. It is the go-to-first casting site for the adult industry. I have discovered hundreds of today's top porn stars on SexyJobs including Bree Olson, Mia and Ava Rose, Danica Blue, Stella Luv and many more. Keep up the GREAT work!”
Bill from ALL CODES MEDIA, LLC“My first two models came from within a month. Very pleased with the quick response I have received. The most professionally run site compared to others I have tried.”
Craig from Seymore Butts' xXxposed Entertainment“Thanks so much... You're site is great.”
Select-A-Call“I do want both my ads to run and continue to be renewed. Your program is great. I can't believe the responses I get from I have been pleasantly surprised. Thanks.”
ken from pimpladie productions“We signed up 3 months ago - we have finished 3 productions. This site is the best - real people, great personalities. We are a member for life. Thank you ”“ played a crucial role in finding and selecting the right models for our photo and video shoots. They have a huge selection of models profiles and a comprehensive search which allows companies to find the talent they want right away. I have already referred many associates and partners to the site. I would highly recommend to any company looking for talent for their project.”
Colin from“Thanks so much for the fast, friendly service. I love your site - such a great alternative to onemodelplace for all of my casting needs! Best Regards, Colin Rowntree”
Billy Tyler“I read your book, "123 Be a Pornstar" and I have been working in the adult business as talent for over a year now. Your book gave me the basic info I needed to get started. Now I have a live-in pornstar girlfriend and I am negotiating my own series with a major production company.”
Marie from Night Passages Talent“Thank you for the numerous applicants we have received over the years! You're all awesome!”
XOXO-INC“I love your site!”
ASWN Services“I was flooded with qualified candidates, thank you. The ONLY suggestion that I would make is to remove ads immediately upon cancellation request instead of waiting for the billing cycle to expire - it must be frustrating to the 50+ ladies who emailed me after I cancelled my ad, when I had to tell them that I had no further openings. Your site is wonderful, Thanks!”
Omo Enterprise“We filled all our openings from our ad with you and if we open another website we'll use you again.”
Kell from“By advertising on your site I receive on average about 40 applicants per month. You provide an invaluable service! ”
Francesca from LongIslandEliteEscorts“Thank you, I can see you run a class operation. We look forward to doing business with you. Ciao, Francesca.”
Ricky 'The Hammer' Sinz“Thanks, Sean. Out of all the sites your customer service is the best!”
EncountersForYou“The banner looks great!”
Bobby from Opie Marketing Group, Inc.“We had a great deal of success with this ad, and definitely plan to use your service again in the near future. ”
John from KhumNgo Productions“This site is GREAT. You guys are genius!!! Have a great-f**king-weekend... (: | :) ”
C from Tek Co.“Thanks to your website, this position has been filled by a well-qualified candidate. Thank you and your team for putting us in contact.”
PABE Enterprises“My ad was on your site less than 30 mins when I got a response to my ad and hired the woman! Thanks! I've closed my account with you guys for a couple of months. Since I placed the ad on Saturday, I've hired 4 people! What the heck do you do to advertise? LOL I'd love to know and do the same for my websites. I'll be back in June. Take care and thanks very much.”
Jez“Hi! I love the friends I've made on SJ, as well as the work and experience I've gotten. It's fantastic and safe and lucrative.”“Having a website anyone can do but providing good customer service is another thing, especially in the adult industry when you have no idea who is going to be here today and gone tomorrow. This is the second time we have advertised with you and your customer service has been excellent. We returned because we know that we can count on your established services. Customer service seems to almost be a thing of the past with most site owners wanting to have everything automated. People like you that go the extra step will win the race!”
Brownie from Icandy Entertainment Inc.“I think this is a wonderful site. I am a small business owner, trying to find dependable dancers and models for my constantly growing business, and this site has made that so much easier. Thank you for all the work you all have put into making it so much more hastle free to find sincere talent. Brownie - President of Icandy Entertainment Inc. ”
Travis from PLUM CRAZY ENTERTAINMENT“GREAT COMAPNY!!! is the leading name in the business for a reason. They are PLUM CRAZY good at what they do....From the Bossman to another....Great site...”
Ross Fairbanks from Exquisite Talent Inc“We found your website to be helpful in finding the right females for our castings, the only thing I would recommend would be requiring the models to send a contact number when responding to casting calls!”
L.J. from Lionheart Entertainment Group“ has been very profitable for us. We have attained many good entertainers from all over world due to SexyJobs. We will continue to use their site for our advertising purposes.”
Mark's Photography“Thanks very much, Ana. By the way, your site is really the greatest of its kind! I do think yours is the best site to contact new talent! ”
A & M Communciations“We did have a great turn out for girls and guys hired. Thanks for running the ad. I will be contacting you about a banner next, thanks.”
Crystal from Blue Wave Communications“Thank you so much for being so understanding. I will say that I am very impressed with the great response that we got in the two days that we were up, it's a shame that I will not be able to hire right now.”
AVN Online Magazine“ pioneered the concept and now has more traction than any of its half dozen competitors.”
Brisco from Duck Brothers Entertainment, LLC“Thank you, we found your website absolutely fruitful! Just wanted to say thanks for such a great service and we will definitely be back in the last quarter of each year when we recruit for our next year's crop of calendar girls. Thanks again, Brisco”
Legacy Film“Since I started advertising on your site I have stopped all of my other advertising. The constant clutter of people calling up from the newspaper is gone. The people who respond have searched for me on the web, and are almost always people who are serious, and who meet my requirements.”
Mike from On The Couch Productions“I had a great response to the ad and found two models off the site to use in my next production. I have a small company and I only shoot every few months when I have the extra money. I joined your site once before and got great response then also. I plan to join again when I'm ready to shoot my next video.”
Rick from 702 EYECANDY“Sexyjobs is the best site ever.”
Sandy“My ad was placed on the Business Opportunities board, looking for investors in my project. Through your ad I have just managed to finalise an investment of USD 10,000 in one of my projects. I just wanted to thank you and I am more than happy with the response that I managed to get. Keep up the good work.”
David from Chop-Shop Media, Inc.“Happy Holidays to you! Your talent pool is wonderful.”“Wow, you guys are great! Yes, I want to renew!”
Vanessa“ is and has been, according to my data, our largest resource for new models for our network thus far -- since the first week that we began advertising with the site. It's been such a great experience! We'd love to go ahead and take the second banner ad... ”
Luis from FORBIDDEN PRODUCTIONS“Thank you for keeping on top of things. I am very pleased with your site.”
CG Communications LLP“I placed an ad on about 2 months ago. I have gotten a lot of response from it and I am very happy.”
Mike from The Studio On 4th/Studio X“A great site to find models and actress that are for real and ready for the adult industry. Will continue to use as long as new models are attracted to the site.”
Marcsar Productions“Thank you for the opportunity to advertise on your site. I did find some very qualified models. I will use your site in my next project for sure. Keep up the great work.”
Alicia from V Entertainment“I want to thank Sexyjobs for everything! I have been a successful jobseeker on here since 2005 and now it looks like I'll become a successful employer because of you. ;) Thank you, Sexyjobs!! ”
Paul from Primal Entertainment“Your site works so well I dont have a shoot avalible for 2 months. Please change my membership from basic text to just a membership. Thank you ”
Tom from Webs Finest Cam Girls“Always a pleasure doing business with you. Or as the Girls on my site say to their customers, "It's a business doing pleasure with you." Thought you may get a kick from that.”
Gary from BJ Talent Search“SexyJobs has been a great resource for finding serious & qualified models for my BJ Talent Search shoots in Rochester, NY. Thank You for providing SexyJobs not only to jobseekers, but to employers like myself. Sincerely, Gary”
The Piemaster from Worthem Productions/W.P.S.S.V.“You have a great site, with a lot of great females. I only wish that they & all other adult companies take me seriously at what I do!”
Nate from Webcam Startup“I'm an SEO by trade, so I'm very skeptical about paid media. I'd prefer to just rank content and take advantage of the earned traffic. Needless to say, I was skeptical about SexyJobs. The directory listing is performing great, but it's the talent search and messaging feature where the real money is at! SexyJobs has tons of talent and new resumes get submitted every day!”
The Elite Agency“I currently have a basic ad placed on and have put in request to have it upgraded to a banner ad. I want to thank you for the quality entertainment that the The Elite Agency has hired through The Elite Agency advertises for employment on numerous adult employment sites which include,, just to name a few and for every 1 application we receive from them we receive 5 from, so it is definitely money well spent.”
Clinton wayne warrington“I found a great opportunity with a private photographer on this site! Easy money, little work, alot of fun.”
Michael from“Thank you very much Sean. I must say I like the speed in which you handle things. ”
Jack from Penguin Productions“Thank you, Sean. I got plenty of responses and I have all I need for now. I will be back to you in a few months.”
Aaron “I think you guys are doing a wonderful job in the managing and running of this site. I had two other accounts of this same nature on other sites, but they didn't compare with the amount of networking that this one does. Keep doing what you are doing.”